Saturday 10 August 2013

Home Spa for your brushes

Hygiene is  the first step to anything. We must have the discipline to do some minor cleansing of our brushes daily. The biggest discipline comes for once a week thorough cleaning!

Clean brushes help in preventing breakouts. however, some cleansers cause our brushes to go out of shape, drop its hair!

I read about this home spa from other blogs and i had to try it out! I am extremely pleased with the results.

What you need:

1. any baby shampoo 
2. any kind of olive oil
3. antiseptic hand soap 
4. a plate


1. pour equal amt of baby shampoo and handsoap on your plate.
2. just pour a little olive oil on the side.
3. dip your brush in the baby shampoo, then into the hand soap.
4. dip just a small part of your brush into the olive oil.
5. take the brush and rub it against your palm.
6. rinse thoroughly.
7. repeat steps for all your brushes.
8. set the brushes to dry!

Why use these items?

Baby shampoo is not too harsh on our brushes. it helps in not spoiling the hairs of our brushes. Antiseptic handsoap is used to counter the absence of sanitization in shampoo. olive oil is used to condition the hairs of the brushes!

Follow me on IG: shailajah to view the video!

Happy cleaning everyone!!

Thank you for the support!! :)))

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